Sunday, 25 April 2010

Bush Running

I am in a bit of a quandry.

I was absolutely stoked about my Ironman race, and expected that it would a long road back to recovery properly, but the gap between recovery and getting prepped for the next 2 events seems to have shrunken to almost nothing.

I've got the Wild Endurance 50km through the blue mountains in 6 days time and I'm not nearly ready for it. I have grave doubts about my ability to do the North Face 100km two weeks after that. I must have the endurance base still in my body, but I certainly don't have the legs to run 100km through crazy hilly terrain. I feel like I might be lucky to actually finish as my training has been virtually non-existant, I haven't done a single bush run proper (Spit to Manly trail doesn't count!) or any run over about 3 hours. I haven't seen any of the course, run at night, tried running with a full packpack with all the gear I need to carry, etc etc.

Screw it, I'm still going to give it a nudge. I want to do this event and I can always rest afterwards as I've got no other events planned for a while. Perversely, even with all this apprehension, I'm really looking forward to the race!


Anonymous said...

What an incredible achievement. Reby and I are very proud of you. We wish you could be here in Shawnigan Lake, BC to compete our local Ironman.
Good luck with your recovery from your 100 km run through the hill country yesterday.

Unknown said...

100km??? R U Kidding me? wow, nice job Mike.
Joe Mols