I'm right in the middle of the hardest part of the marathon training schedule now - this week and next week are the two highest mileage weeks. Unbelievably my legs feel great today after a speed session Tues, a hills session Wednesday and a 20km run before work Thursday (then ran to work and back). I thought I'd be rooted today!
I'm not sure why I feel good. But my theories are:
- I had an easy week last week (low mileage) so legs have had good recovery time
- I haven't ridden the bike at all in two weeks, which sucks (stupid storms), but has meant more time off for the legs
- I've done a good job getting in recovery nutrition into my gob right after every intense workout to let the muscles rebuild properly
- I've been doing slow and easy recovery runs to work and back to get the blood into the legs without hurting them, plus two nice long yoga sessions this week.
Whatever it is, I'm feeling great now. Get back to me after the 45 odd kms I plan to run over the next two days... might be a different story.
I'm going for 110km total this week and the same next week, then it's the start of the three week taper. I can't believe it's come around so quickly!
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