Thursday, 14 January 2010

My new homey

The potential future leader of this country has decided to join the Boundary riders on the odd ride this last couple of weeks. I haven’t really been in a position to chat to him, but also haven’t been busting my chops to do so. I don’t have that much to say to him really. The topics of political stance, climate change and religion are all out…

However I will say that it’s nice to have a federal politician who is as fit as healthy as he is, and as interested in cycling and running. Plus he’s a damn good rider for a 52 year old man with as demanding a job as he has.


Hamburglar said...

Yeah it's pretty impressive. I am sure he is a busy man. Interesting photos - who took em? - his media followers? Anyway, how did he go on the pace line?

Mike said...

There was a Manly Daily photographer who showed up at the servo. He hung on in the pace line, impressive.